6. razred – Touchstone


Interaktivne vaje besedišča

Za uporabo interkativnih vaj, quizlet zahteva prijavo z elektronskim naslovom ali googlovim računom. Starši, pomagajte otrokom.

V primeru, da želite uporabo drugih načinov učenja, morate v brskalnik, takoj za številkami za poševnico napisati drugo možnost:

  • individualno učenje: learn, test,
  • skupinsko učenje: blast, live, match ali checkpoint
flashcards: Druge vrste vaje:
Hello and welcome learn test live blast match checkpoint
English around the world learn test live blast match checkpoint
First contacts learn test live blast match checkpoint
Springfield Junior High School learn test live blast match checkpoint
The magic numbers learn test live blast match checkpoint
Around Tim’s school learn test live blast match checkpoint
After schol learn test live blast match checkpoint
In the attic learn test live blast match checkpoint
What’s your new bike like learn test live blast match checkpoint
We’ve got a new English teacher learn test live blast match checkpoint
Tim’s family learn test live blast match checkpoint


(Skupno 227 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)
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